Jeremiah Chiu

Jeremiah Chiu

AB Club

“He captures the outer-space mystery of some of the BBC Radiophonic Workshop's best soundtrack material, touches the ramshackle brilliance of early Carl Craig, adding a trace of Jean-Michel Jarre” (Boomkat)

Uncut just recently chose Jeremiah Chiu’s (US) album The Closest Thing to Silence (with soulmate Maria Sofia Honer and fourth world music legend Ariel Kalma) as ‘Experimental Album of the Year’. The title was an intentional nod to the motto of ECM Records: ‘Music is the closest thing to silence’.
Let’s just say that LA-based Chiu has a healthy obsession with synthesizers (both analogue and digital). In 2023, that resulted in the International Anthem album In Electric Time, an aural account of Chiu’s visit to the Vintage Synthesizer Museum in LA. Mr. Bongo: “The result is a superb electronic / ambient journey”. Chiu is also a part of International Anthem’s latest addition SML.
